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Details of Homecare
Instructions on and description of homecare
Details of treatment and nursing Details
Fluid and constant high-unit
nutrition injections
We inject the fluid prescribed by the main hospital. We also instruct
guardians on how to manage the constant high-unit nutrition injection
that is injected through the central vein tube.
Changing feeding nasal tube We regularly change the feeding nasal tube and provide instructions on
how to use a dressing around the gastric fistula, and how to inject
gruel through the tube.
Changing tracheotomy tube and nursing a ventilated patient We change the tracheotomy tube and provide instructions on how to
observe the condition and how to disinfect the tube.
Changing foley catheter We periodically change the colovesical fistula or foley catheter, and
provide instructions on management.
Managing central vein tube
(chemoport, PICC, Hickman
catheter, etc.)
We periodically provide flushing (heparin infusion) and remove dressings
and home pumps.
Managing bile bag and other
drainage tubes
We manage the bile bag (PTBD) and other drainage tubes for
pyelostomy (PCN) and PCD.
Wound disinfection, stitch
removal, and bedsore dressing
We disinfect surgery wounds, remove stitches and staples, and
manage bedsores.
Nursing for artificial intestinal
fistula and urinary fistula
We provide instructions on changing and self-managing the intestinal
fistula bag.
Other instructions Instructions on blood draw, white blood cell stimulating factor injection,
and anticoagulant administration.

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