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Choi, Eunhwa

Pediatric Infectious Diseases


Pneumonia , Bronchiolitis , Meningitis , Lymphadenitis , Acute sinusitis , Acute otitis media , Traveler infection , Sepsis , Hand, foot and mouth disease , scarlet fever , Tuberculosis , Fever (high temperature) , rash , Vaccination (general, chemotherapy/transplant patients) , Kawasaki


Education / Career

Education / Career
Term Education
1997 ~ 1999 Seoul National University College of Medicine Ph.D.
1995 ~ 1997 Seoul National University College of Medicine M.S.
1984 ~ 1990 Seoul National University College of Medicine
Education / Career
Term Career
2013. 2. ~ 2014. 1. Research Associate, Children’s Hospital, Boston, US

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