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Seoul National University Hospital titled ‘The Best Brand for the last 24 years’ in General Hospital Category

Hit : 2,089 Date : 2024-04-19

- Ranked No. 1 in the general hospital category in the Korean - Brand Power Index (K-BPI) survey published by the Korea Management Association Consulting (KMAC) for 24 consecutive years    


On the 27th of March, Seoul National University Hospital (President Kim Young Tae) announced that SNUH has been ranked no. 1 in the General Hospital category in the 2024 Korean-Brand Power Index (K-BPI) survey published by the Korea Management Association Consulting (KMAC).


The K-BPI survey was conducted through one-on-one individual interviews with 12,500 consumers living in Seoul and six major metropolitan cities using a brand diagnostic evaluation model developed for the first time in Korea. Through this, Seoul National University Hospital received excellent evaluations in all major evaluation items such as awareness, image, purchase/availability, and preference, and was recognized for its brand value in the medical field.


As a national central hospital, Seoul National University Hospital has provided world-class medical services in the field of serious diseases and essential medical care and is the first in Korea to operate the 'Seoul National University Hospital Nexon Children's Integrated Care Center', an independent short-term care medical facility for seriously ill pediatric and adolescent patients and their families. We have contributed to holistic treatment by opening a ‘disability-friendly obstetrics and gynaecology clinic’ that provides delivery and emergency treatment for high-risk pregnant women.


Seoul National University Hospital, which plays a leading role in medical research and education in cooperation with leading domestic and international institutions, is training excellent physician-scientists, especially through cooperation with Harvard-MIT's HST (Health Sciences and Technology) program. In addition, it was designated as Korea's first ' Research Institute Specialized in National Strategic Technology ' and is leading the future of the medical field by expanding global cooperation in the field of cutting-edge bio-digital health data analysis and utilization.


Seoul National University Hospital, which was selected as the best institution following the implementation of the public health care plan, contributes to improving public health and welfare through the Central Heart and Brain Cardiovascular Disease Center, Rare Disease Specialist Institute, and Pediatric cancer and rare disease support project group, and is leading the way by filling gaps in essential medical care provision and strengthening medical capacity.


  In addition, Seoul National University Hospital presents a vision for future medical care through the establishment of Baegot Seoul National University Hospital and Gijang Heavy Ion Particle Therapy Center and the opening of the National Fire Hospital, establishing a cutting-edge medical service system and leading Korean-style future K-digital medical care.


Building on these efforts and achievements, Seoul National University Hospital, which has solidified its position as a medical institution recognized not only domestically but also globally, plans to continue to contribute to the improvement of public health and continue to play a leading role in the medical field both domestically and internationally. 

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