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Seoul National University Hospital is designated as the First Research Institute Specialized in National Strategic Technology

Hit : 1,567 Date : 2024-04-19

- Perform key functions of fostering advanced biotechnology and global cooperation                                                                                                                 external_image

Seoul National University Hospital (Director Kim Young Tae) announced that it was designated as a ‘research institute specialized in national strategic technology (advanced bio-digital health data analysis and utilization field)’ by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on January 26th. This is ‘Korea’s first specialized research institute’ designated for the first time since the Special Act on the Promotion of National Strategic Technologies came into effect in September 2023.



The research institute specialized in national strategic technology(hereinafter referred to as “specialized research institute”) is a institute designated by the head of a central government administrative agency to foster and secure national strategic technology and human resources under the Special Act on the Promotion of National Strategic Technologies



Through a comprehensive evaluation by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Seoul National University Hospital was recognized as having the necessary capabilities to operate a specialized research institute, including having an established foundation in research in the cutting-edge biofield and an industry-academia-research cooperation system. Therefore, it was designated as a specialized research institute.


In particular, it is expected to perform various functions such as research and development, human resource training, and international cooperation in the cutting-edge biofield, focusing on the analysis and utilization of digital health data, in which Korea has strengths.

The advanced bio-industry is one of the key industries for future innovation and growth that is directly linked to national survival and is one of the Korean government's 12 national strategic technologies.

  Seoul National University Hospital has set itself a total of three key tasks to fulfil its role as a research institute specialized in advanced biotechnology: Establishment-opening-utilization of a global data platform based on advanced bioresearch Establishment of a sustainable international cooperation system and Train talent to become the center of global innovation.


Through this, we plan to create a successful model for a specialized research institute and take the lead in creating a world-class cutting-edge bio ecosystem.



Hospital Director Kim Young Tae said, “Seoul National University Hospital, as Korea’s first research institute specialized in national strategic technology, will establish a foundation for expanding global cooperation in the field of digital health and establish a platform for joint use of medical research data to conduct collaborative research with world-class research institutions." He added, “We will continue to do our best to foster advanced biotechnology and perform our function as a center of global cooperation.”

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