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Pediatric ultrasonography (brain, spine, abdomen, urinary system, musculoskeletal system) , Congenital Lymphatic Anomaly , , Angiography , Pediatric interventional procedure


Education / Career

Education / Career
Term Education
2006 ~ 2010 Seoul National University College of Medicine
Education / Career
Term Career
2021. 3. ~ Present Seoul National University Hospital Clinical Assistant Professor
2019. 3. ~ 2021. 2. Seoul National University Hospital Clinical Assistant Professor
2017. 3. ~ 2019. 2. Seoul National University Hospital Clinical Fellow
2016. 3. ~ 2017. 2. Seoul National University Hospital Research Fellow
2012. 3. ~ 2016. 2. Seoul National University Hospital Residency
2010. 3. ~ 2011. 2. Seoul National University Hospital Internship
Education / Membership and Academic Activities
Term Membership and Academic Activities
2012. 3. ~ Present Korean Society of Radiology
2012. 3. ~ Present Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance
2012. 3. ~ Present Korean Society of Ultrasound In Medicine


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전체 검색